Thursday, January 1, 2009

January 1, 2009 Day 1--364 days left

In case you can't read the sign, it says 247.6  1/1/09.  I was amazed when I stepped on the scale this morning to discover it was down from yesterday.  That is what happens when you keep close track of your calories, exercise and don't cheat.

As a child I was very thin, and very active.  As a teenager I was very thin.  I walked to school 1 mile each way so I'm sure that helped.  My first driver's license weight was 128.  I don't think I really appreciated being thin--I just took it for granted.  I was always able to eat whatever I wanted and stay that way.  In 1970 when I got married I was in the low 140s.  I think my weight problem really started after having two children.  I grew lazy and eating was my joy and pleasure.  I used to hide sandwiches under the chair when my husband came in so that he wouldn't see I was eating.  How foolish was that??

The shorts I am wearing are size 20.  I intend to continue wearing these clothes for my pictures.

See you on January 8 with my next update.  

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